Friday, July 29, 2011

The History of Religion

What is religion?

It has many different definitions but its basics are:
  • the worship of a God or gods
  • guidelines about how to behave
  • answers to life's biggest questions

What are beliefs?
Beliefs are what one follows; they are a set of rules or guidelines followed by person of religion. However it is also and individual or groups' values on how they commit to life and what they do.

Animism: The earliest kind of religion that was developed while humans were living as hunter-gatherers. It is the belief that humans/animals have spirits.
Polytheism: Belief in many gods. The first human civilisations followed different types of polytheism.
Pantheism: The belief that everything is part of one god. Hinduism is more Pantheism than Polytheism.
Monotheism: Belief in only one God.  This was what the Jews started following and is in the Old Testament.
Agnosticism: Uncertainty about God or Gods. Some Greek thinkers were moving away from religion and developing ideas in science and philosophy.
Atheism: Belief in no Gods

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