The Power of One is a movie set in South Africa during the time of the 1930's to the around 1950. The film is about the life of a young English boy named Pk and how experiences and views the racist and violent treatment of black Africans as he grows up to become a young adult. He also experiences discrimination from Germans as a young boy as well many deaths of loved ones throughout his life. Pk discovers what he really believes in and sees the wrong in the racist views of the time. He works to change these views and becomes a symbol of hope for the African people. Pk becomes a leader and strives to assist them in rising from their opression and having a future in the racist world their living in.
I felt this movie was good to watch because it educates people about the discrimination that many races experienced not long ago and how some people did have the courage to oppose the racist beliefs about people such as the Africans.
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